
DualTM Screenshot

Adapted from the original ShiftReg applet, this pair of 32-bit shift registers is designed to be a versatile source of generative sequences. Digital inputs 1 & 2 are still Clock & p-gate, respectively. The CV inputs and outputs are assignable.


  1/3 2/4
TRIG Clock p Gate or Reset
CV INs Assignable
(Slew, Length, Probability, Quantizer, Range, Transpose, Crossfade)
OUTs Assignable (Pitch, Mod, Trig, Gate) Assignable

The Slew parameter allows extreme smoothing on the output stage for portamento and gentle modulation. It acts as a Decay tail on the Trigger output modes. With modulation of Slew, you can have CV control over decay envelopes, or variable portamento.


  • Length - how many bits are looped in the registers
    • AuxButton toggles shift direction
  • p=Probability (%) - when unlocked with the cursor or a gate input on TR2, how likely the current bit will be flipped
    • AuxButton toggles Reset capture mode - TR2 Resets to captured register states
  • Quantizer select - for pitch quantization (AuxButton to edit)
  • Range - how many discrete notes, in scale degrees (only applies to pitches)
  • Slew - smoothing parameter (hybrid linear/logarithmic function)
  • Input modes CV1 and CV2 - see below
  • Output modes A: and B: - see below

Output Modes

Each output can be assigned to one of the following:

  • Pitch 1 - derived from 8 bits of the FIRST register
  • Pitch 2 - derived from 8 bits of the SECOND register
  • Pitch 1+2 - a blend of the two pitches, optionally crossfaded via CV
    • in 1.5.x, it was actually the SUM of the two pitches; changed in v1.6
  • Mod 1 - unquantized bipolar modulation from FIRST register
  • Mod 2 - unquantized bipolar modulation from SECOND register
  • Trigger 1 - output trigger pulse when current bit is 1 on the FIRST register
  • Trigger 2 - output trigger pulse when current bit is 1 on the SECOND register
  • TrigPitch 1 or 2 - combination of Trigger and Pitch output modes
    • a varying quantized voltage with a high pulse at the beginning, optional decay from Slew
    • (useful for pinging filters or oscillators for pitched percussion or PEW PEW noizes)
  • Gate 1 - hold high if current bit is 1 on FIRST register
  • Gate 2 - hold high if current bit is 1 on SECOND register
  • Gate 1+2 - two-level gate output from the sum of the current bits

Input Modes

Each CV input can be assigned to modulate (bi-polar) one of the following:

  • Slew
  • Length
  • p - probability
  • Q - Quantizer select
  • Range
  • Transpose 1 - offset Pitch 1 (basic voltage adder)
  • Transpose 2 - offset Pitch 2
  • Crossfade 1+2 - Affects the combo Pitch 1+2 Output mode only
    • at 0V or unpatched, the two pitches are averaged
    • Positive voltage fades toward Pitch 2; negative voltage toward Pitch 1 (i think, lol, somebody should check my math)


Authored by djphazer. Adapted from ShiftReg by Chysn, with mods by benirose.

Inspired by the original Turing Machine by Music Thing Modular / Tom Whitwell.