(TODO: screenshot)

Copied from the source code comments:

DuoTET is a dual/duophonic microtonal quantizer. It is specifically intended to facilitate fluid exploration of xenharmonic terrain for composers who may be acclimated to western notions of pitch and harmony, while remaining flexible enough to satisfy users who are comfortable with a wider range of tonalities.

DuoTET generates a scale of N notes by stacking alternating intervals on top of one another. An offset into the list of generated notes can be chosen, at which point that note becomes the root of the scale, the note set is normalized with respect to that note, and the resulting pitch collection is conditioned into a collection of pitch classes, which can be thought of as either a chord or a scale depending on which concept is more convenient to the composer.

The “Duo” portion of DuoTET refers to the function of its second quantizer (B). This quantizer can be configured to operate independent of the first quantizer, but may also be configured to add the input of the first quantizer to its own, along with a configurable offset, in order to create duophonic harmonies.

DuoTET is currently unfinished. The trigger inputs are unused and should be configurable as sample-and-holds for the two quantizers. Additional work includes providing parameters for wrapping the lower and upper bounds of the two quantizers in order to provide control over the voicing and register of the two. Transposition of the first quantizer should be considered. It would also be ideal to be able to modulate the parameters of the two quantizers using other applets.

T3.2 Disclaimer

This applet was developed on T4.1 hardware, and may exceed CPU and I/O limitations of Teensy 3.2 hardware.


Authored by Eris Fairbanks.