
Screenshot 2024-06-13 14-30-47

Calibr8 is a 2 channel pitch calibration tool to compensate for imperfect v/Oct tracking in your oscillators. For a 4 channel version with many more features (flexible quantization, sample and hold, auto-calibration), use the full Calibr8or app.


  1/3 2/4
TRIG Transposition clock No effect
CV INs Pitch CV input 1 Pitch CV input 2
OUTs Calibrated pitch CV 1 Calibrated pitch CV 2

Note: the outputs of Calibr8 are quantized to semitones

UI Parameters

  • Pitch CV1 scaling factor
  • Pitch CV1 transposition
  • Pitch CV1 offset (detune)
  • Pitch CV2 scaling factor
  • Pitch CV2 transposition
  • Pitch CV2 offset (detune)


Authored by djphazer, as a proof-of-concept for Calibr8or