
Screenshot 2024-06-13 15-13-38

Mixer:Balance is a two-input CV mixer with a balance control and two complementary outputs.


  1/3 2/4
CV INs Input 1 Input 2
OUTs Mixed Output 1 Mixed Output 2

UI Control

  • Encoder: Adjusts the balance between CV 1 and CV 2

The balance indicator, controlled by the encoder, shows the relationship between the CV 1 and CV 2 signals’ relative levels at Output A/C. With the indicator all the way to the left, only CV 1’s signal appears at A/C; all the way to the right, only CV 2’s signal appears at A/C.

Output B/D is the complement of A/C. That is, the relative levels of CV 1 and CV 2 are the opposite, so that with the balance indicator at the left, only CV 2’s signal appears at B/D, etc.

In Mixer:Balance, all signals are attenuated by 50% before being sent to the mix.