SwitchSeq is a flexible player for Seq32 patterns, providing various ways to switch between four sequences running in parallel. The global quantizers Q1-Q4 are used for outputs A-D, respectively. (Use Hemisphere Config to adjust Quantizer Scale settings)
1/3 | 2/4 | |
TRIG | Clock | Reset |
CV INs | Octave / Seq select / Unquantized Input (depends on Mode) | (depends on Mode) |
OUTs | Ch1 Pitch CV | Ch2 Pitch CV |
4 sequences are played in parallel. The patterns themselves can be edited with Seq32, and can have various lengths. Currently, Accent and Mute have no effect in SwitchSeq.
The CV inputs can manipulate the sequences in a variety of ways.
There are two channels, with a shared Clock and Reset. Each channel has a few different Modes, controllable with the encoder.
- OCT: This mode is active when the sequence arrow is solid. The encoder will select the active sequence, with CV controlling the octave (by 1 or 2 octaves).
- PCK: The CV input will pick which sequence is playing. Sampled after each clock.
- RNG: A sequence is chosen at random when clocked. CV is ignored.
- QNT: The internal sequences are ignored and the CV input will be quantized using the global Quantizer settings.
Authored by Nick Beirne