General Settings
Page 1: General Settings
The first full-screen page in the config menu (after the floating presets menu) is for General Settings
Trigger Length
This sets the pulse width (in milliseconds, approximate) for applets that generate simple triggers, such as EuclidX or TrigSeq. The old default was close to 3ms, but some modules may require longer pulses.
Options are:
- [blank]
- Meters
- Scope
- Zips (or “Stars” in Teensy 4.x builds)
As of v1.7, the Legacy cursor mode (press encoder to step to next parameter, rotate to edit) has been removed, and been replaced by a modal cursor: rotate encoder to move cursor, push to toggle editing, rotate to edit parameter, push again to untoggle editing
Note: Some applets (eg. Button2) override the default cursor behaviour, usually to enable different functionality when scrolling CW versus CCW.
Setting the cursor configuration to “modal + wrap” will allow infinite looping scrolling: the cursor will wrap from the last parameter to the first, and vice versa.
Setting the cursor to simply “modal” will prevent looped scrolling, terminating at the beginning and end of the parameter list.
Auto MIDI Output
(Experimental) When enabled, MIDI messages are sent automatically based on applet outputs. By default, the Left Hemisphere outputs on Channel 1, and the Right Hemisphere on Channel 2 (configurable with the MIDI Out applet). Outputs A/C are interpreted as Note values, and B/D as gates for NoteOn/NoteOff.