
Screenshot 2024-06-13 15-06-36


Logic is a two-input logic module that performs two logical operations at once.


  1/3 2/4
TRIG Operand 1 Operand 2
CV INs Gate type select for “-CV-“ mode Gate type for “-CV-“ mode
OUTs Result Ch1 (high/low) Result Ch2 (high/low)

UI Parameters

  • Logical gate type or “-CV-“ for each channel


The Digital Inputs act as two logical operands, in the form of gate signals with high being True and low being False. CV Inputs 1 and 2 set the logical gate when the gate selected for the corresponding channel is “-CV-“. The results of the logical operations are output as a high (5 volt, when True) or low (0 volt, when False) signal.

Available gate types are:

  • AND: True when both inputs are True
  • OR: True when either or both inputs are True
  • XOR: True when both inputs are different than the other input
  • NAND: True when either input is False
  • NOR: True when both inputs are False
  • XNOR: True when both inputs are the same

Another option, “-CV-“ is available. When set to “-CV-“ the logical gate type will be set via CV using the corresponding CV input.


Adapted from Logic by Chysn.