Scale Duet

Screenshot 2024-06-13 15-22-17

Scale Duet is a single-channel quantizer that allows you to switch between two user-defined scales. The scales are edited with an on-screen keyboard.

Quantization is continuous by default, unless a Clock pulse is received. Sending a positive voltage to CV2 will restore continuous operation.


  1/3 2/4
TRIG Clock Scale 1 (low) or Scale 2 (high)
CV INs Input Signal Unclock (switch back to continuous)
OUTs Quantized Pitch Auto-trigger when Pitch changes

UI Controls

  • Encoder Push: Toggles the note above the cursor ON or OFF. A small square will appear on the keyboard for notes that will be played when that scale is selected.
  • Encoder Turn: Moves through the notes for each scale, and between Scales 1 and 2.

Scale Duet differs from Dual Quantizer in a few important ways:

  • Scale Duet plays from two user-defined scales, rather than pre-programmed scales
  • It quantizes only one value at a time