Hemisphere Gestures

Operating Hemispheres makes use of button combinations to perform various actions. See below for a complete list.

Please note that certain applet (or parameter editing) contexts may override the default behaviour of the UP and DOWN buttons &/or the LEFT and RIGHT encoders.

Action Gesture Notes
Change left Hemisphere applet Short press UP button to highlight hemisphere, scroll applets with LEFT encoder  
Change right Hemisphere applet Short press DOWN button to highlight hemisphere, scroll applets with RIGHT encoder  
Open applet help screen Double press UP button for left hemisphere, double press DOWN button for right hemisphere  
Open Clock / Trigger Setup Press both UP + DOWN buttons together Adjust internal BPM, swing, external sync, and per-trigger clock mult/div; remap trigger inputs (also available within the Config); and manually perform triggers.
Cycle Internal Clock state Long-press LEFT Encoder Stop -> Arm (i.e. play on next input trigger) -> Start
Open Hemisphere Config menu Long-press DOWN button (scroll pages with LEFT encoder, scroll options with RIGHT encoder) Load/save presets; adjust trigger length; select screensaver and cursor mode; toggle auto-MIDI out; trigger and CV input mapping; quantizer settings; applet filtering
AuxButton Highlight parameter for editing, press select button (UP or DOWN, depending on Hemisphere) This gesture is only enabled in certain applets for secondary functions. Use it to mute/unmute steps in DivSeq, SequenceX, Seq32, etc.; re-randomize sequences in Shredder; and directly edit the current Quantizer engine
Invoke screensaver Long-press UP button Global
Return to main menu Long-press RIGHT encoder Global, execution continues in the background.
Save Settings to EEPROM Long-press RIGHT encoder again while on main menu Why not use presets instead?

VOR Gestures

Variable Output Range compatible hardware only (i.e. Plum Audio 4robots, OCP, and OCP x)

  • Start/ stop clock: press VOR button
  • Cycle VBias offset (-5V, -3V, 0V): Press LEFT and RIGHT encoders together