
Screenshot 2024-06-13 15-57-06

Scenes is a macro CV Switcher/Crossfader inspired by Traffic by Jasmine & Olive Trees. This app offers 4 “scenes” with 4 CV output values each; there are also 4 preset banks, using the same mechanism as Calibr8or and Hemisphere (long-press DOWN button to access).

As of v1.7, storing to a Preset automatically saves to EEPROM, and all Presets will auto-save.


  Left Encoder Right Encoder
PRESS Toggle between editing A or B output for selected scene Toggle between editing C or D output for selected scene
LONG Toggle Trig Sum mode on output D  
  Up Button Down Button
PRESS Move edit cursor between the 4 scenes. Move edit cursor between the 4 scenes.
LONG PRESS Invoke screensaver view Go to Preset Menu


  1 2 3 4
TR Jumps to corresponding Scene.

Prioritized so TR1/Scene1 will take precedence if multiple inputs are gated simultaneously.
Jumps to corresponding Scene.

Jumps to corresponding Scene.

Jumps to corresponding Scene.
CV bipolar smooth crossfade between scenes, centered on the last triggered scene. 1 Volt == 1 Scene. 4 Volts loops back around. bias offset for all values modulates slew/smoothing factor for all outputs when gated (>2V), enables a random 16-step sequence on Scene 4 using a shuffled combination of all 16 CV values.

TR4 will advance the sequence.

A new sequence is generated every time the gate goes high
